Configurar um servidor SMTP do gmail para enviar emails no Moodle 1.9


smtpuser: [email protected]

smtppass: *******

supportemail: [email protected]


Editar o ficheiro /lib/phpmailer/class.smtp.php na linha 83:

$host = 'ssl://' . $host;

e alterar a porta na variável $SMTP_PORT para 465:

var $SMTP_PORT = 465;


Editar o ficheiro /lib/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php e alterar a porta na variável $Port para 465:

var $Port = 465;


Para desligar double authentication no Gmail ver aqui:



Moodle não autentica utilizadores registados

O Administrador desativou o método de autenticação por email e os utilizadores não conseguem fazer login.

É necessário editar manualmente a tabela config na base de dados e incluir “email” na linha com o name “auth”.

Joomla 1.5 – Permissões seguras

Colocar todas as pastas com permissão user:apache

chown -Rf user:apache public_html

Modificar as pastas para rwxr-xr-x:

find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;

Modificar os ficheiros para rw-r–r–:

find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

Definir a permissão apache:apache para que algumas pastas possam ser escritas

chown apache.apache images/
chown apache.apache components/
chown apache.apache modules/
chown apache.apache plugins/
chown apache.apache language/
chown apache.apache templates/
chown -Rf apache.apache cache/
chown -Rf apache.apache logs/
chown -Rf apache.apache tmp/
chown apache.apache administrator/components/
chown apache.apache administrator/modules/
chown apache.apache administrator/language/
chown apache.apache administrator/templates/
chown apache.apache administrator/backups/
chown apache.apache administrator/cache/
chown apache.apache administrator/language/en-GB/
chown apache.apache administrator/language/pt-PT/
chown -Rf apache.apache images
chown apache.apache images/banners/
chown apache.apache images/stories/
chown apache.apache language/en-GB/
chown apache.apache language/pdf_fonts/
chown apache.apache language/pt-PT/
chown apache.apache media/
chown apache.apache plugins/content/
chown apache.apache plugins/editors/
chown apache.apache plugins/editors-xtd/
chown apache.apache plugins/search/
chown apache.apache plugins/system/
chown apache.apache plugins/user/
chown apache.apache plugins/xmlrpc/


Listar todos os ficheiros index.php para descobrir os modificados ou criados…

find . -name "index.php" -exec ls -alh {} \;

Listar todos os ficheiros *.php com permissões apache.apache modificados ou criados…

find . -name "*.php" -user "apache" -group "apache" -exec ls -alh {} \;

Listar todos os ficheiros do user/grupo apache com exatamente 82kb

find . -name "*.php" -user "apache" -group "apache" -size 82k -exec ls -alh {} \;

Listar todos os ficheiros modificados no dia 9 de Novembro

ls -ahlR | grep 'Nov  9'

Listar todos os ficheiros modificados no dia 20 de janeiro de 2013

tree -ifpugDs $PWD | grep "Jan 20  2013"

Mod_security bloqueia upload de ficheiros do Moodle 2

Aqui fica a solução… o ponto 1 já eu tinha resolvido, faltava-me o 2.


I just ran into this same problem. For me it was the Apache module mod_security that was preventing the uploads. Drupal has some issues uploading files and images when running Apache’s mod_security using the default configuration settings. Here’s what I did to identify the problem and get it working.

Besides that javascript error, there should be an error in the apache error log that you can check.

Error 1

Here’s the first error I was getting in the apache error log.
ModSecurity: Request body (Content-Length) is larger than the configured limit (131072)

The configured limit is 131072 BYTES! That’s only 128 kB!!

Solution 1

Edit /etc/apache2/conf.d/modsecurity.conf and set SecRequestBodyLimit to a larger size than the default of 128 KB and then reboot apache. I set mine to match my max_upload setting from my php.ini. Remember it has to be in bytes!

More Info about SecRequestBodyLimit
Description: Configures the maximum request body size ModSecurity will accept for buffering.
Syntax: SecRequestBodyLimit NUMBER_IN_BYTES
Example Usage: SecRequestBodyLimit 134217728
Processing Phase: N/A
Scope: Any
Dependencies/Notes: 131072 KB (134217728 bytes) is the default setting. Anything over this limit will be rejected with status code 413 Request Entity Too Large. There is a hard limit of 1 GB.

Error 2

After I fixed that error I was able to upload files without a problem and things were running smooth…until I tried uploading a certain video. All my other videos uploaded fine except this one. I checked the Apache error log and saw:

ModSecurity: Warning. Match of "eq 0" against "MULTIPART_UNMATCHED_BOUNDARY" required. [file "/etc/apache2/conf.d/modsecurity.conf"] [line "60"] [msg "Multipart parser detected a possible unmatched boundary."]

Solution 2

After digging around on teh internets I found the rule referenced in the error above will sometimes return false positives, which will then deny the request. To fix that just remove the “deny” from the rule so that it will simply log when these events occur.

Edit /etc/apache2/conf.d/modsecurity.conf and update the rule for MULTIPART_UNMATCHED_BOUNDARY, setting it to log only.


# Did we see anything that might be a boundary?
"phase:2,t:none,log,deny,msg:'Multipart parser detected a possible unmatched boundary.'"

NEW (removed ‘deny’ from line 3)

# Did we see anything that might be a boundary?
"phase:2,t:none,log,msg:'Multipart parser detected a possible unmatched boundary.'"

Fail2ban reiniciava durante a rotação diária de logs e nem toda as chains eram carregadas

Here is what I had to do to make fail2ban work with centos 6, fail2ban
from epel
This is a long letter and no html to make it read better.
It deals with failed jails during start, loss of ban/unban after systems
logrotates files, errors in jails,
sasl errors, logging file correctly to work with fail2ban and logwatch,
fail2ban logrotate.

I hope this helps others, it was a real bear and the first program/rpm I
used that really does not work very well as set up.
(a update was pushed a few weeks back, not sure how this affects
anything below…mine still works as is.)
Forgive me if I left something out.

first I added these programs to the EPEL repo ( I do not allow any
except those I use, so I use the following to limit the repo.)

includepkgs= fail2ban shorewall shorewall-core python-inotify gamin-python

Fail2ban has recently been updated on the epel repo and shorewall-core
is now needed too, this is new.
How the new updates affects any of the below is beyond me, but I doubt
it changed anything.

1st issue
change line 39 to
backend = gamin

Without this fail2ban will ignore log rotations by logrotate and stay on
the old file in your jails.
This was needed or it failed. No errors, nothing.
Force log rotate did not make this happen, only the program running each
morning did it.
I changed mine to a daily rotate of /var/log/secure,vsftpd.log, etc…
to test this.
Without gamin it failed every time.

(also you need to add this)
line 16 (add your ip (or ip block?) after the 127 ip) Use a space
between them all.
ignoreip = yourip

2nd issue
with more than one jail you can (and will) get chances of errors when
starting fail2ban. Some people seem to attribute it centos 6
having an older version of netfilter. The program goes to fast for
iptables and chokes setting up the chains.
Sometimes they all go on, most times I would lose one to two chains
during each restart of fail2ban.

You have to have debug with at least ‘info’ to see these errors. When
stopping you will get a ton of these errors too, but they seem
to have no effect on anything.

To stop these errors and allow all jails to start properly you have to
add a sleep line deep in the code.
I have not tested since the update to see if this was overwritten but
will do that this week.


Find the following code and add the time.sleep(0.1) in there as I have.
You need to press the tab 3 times to indent it, python pays attention to
white space, it will choke if you do not do this.

add sleep command into the following, (tab three times)
starts at line 142
def __processCmd(self, cmd, showRet = True):
beautifier = Beautifier()
for c in cmd:

This lets netfilter catch up with the fail2ban client and allows all
jails to get started properly.
If you only use one jail this would not be needed, but each one after
that offers a chance of not being turned on.

3rd issue
The whole log thing is borked.
if you try to use fail2ban.log, fail2ban itself will choke on it.
If you try to use the repo’s set up of using /var/log/messages than
logwatch will get borked on it.
However, if you set it all to /var/log/fail2ban as the log file, it will

No matter which way you want it, logwatch, fail2ban, and logrotate all
point to different files for logging and it is a real mess.

Here is what I did to make it log and allow logrotate to work with it.

line 25
logtarget = /var/log/fail2ban

Below I changed the logtarget and stopped the ‘restart’ the repo wanted.
Thus it will keep running day after day.

/var/log/fail2ban {
rotate 7
create 0600 root root
/usr/bin/fail2ban-client set logtarget /var/log/fail2ban 2>
/dev/null || true

finally for logwatch
LogFile = fail2ban
Archive = fail2ban-*

jails I set up…this is gonna be quick with little info, still writing
notes for the book on this one
I lowered the times in them for this letter, but mine are much higher.
I separated the ports for each for testing and safety. You could make
all the ports blocked if you wanted too.

The first ssh in the repo is enabled by default I think. Make sure if
you use these you check all others to make sure they
are not enabled.


enabled = true
filter = sshd
action = iptables[name=SSH, port=”22444″, protocol=tcp]
logpath = /var/log/secure
maxretry = 2
bantime = 3600

enabled = true
filter = apache-auth
bantime = 10000
action = iptables[name=ApacheAuth, port=”80″, protocol=tcp]
logpath = /var/log/httpd/error_log
maxretry = 3

enabled = true
filter = apache-auth-ssl
bantime = 10000
action = iptables[name=ApacheAuthSsl, port=”443″, protocol=tcp]
logpath = /var/log/httpd/ssl_error_log
maxretry = 3

enabled = true
filter = vsftpd
action = iptables[name=VSFTPD, port=”5000″, protocol=tcp]
logpath = /var/log/vsftpd.log
maxretry = 3
bantime = 3600

enabled = true
filter = dovecot
bantime = 3600
maxretry = 2
action = iptables-multiport[name=DOVECOT, port=”25,465,993,995″,
logpath = /var/log/maillog

enabled = true
filter = postfix
maxretry = 2
bantime = 3600
findtime = 3600
action = iptables-multiport[name=POSTFIX, port=”25,465,993,995″,
logpath = /var/log/maillog
enabled = true
filter = sasl
maxretry = 4
bantime = 3600
findtime = 3600
action = iptables-multiport[name=POSTFIX-SASL, port=”25,465,993,995″,
logpath = /var/log/maillog

There was not one for dovecot, so I had to make one..
I do not think it is needed though, but I added it anyway (both go to
maillog, but I figured I could do things with the jail later)

Here are some files I had to add to make the above jails work.
make a new file called dovecot.conf as below

# Option: failregex
# Notes.: regex to match the password failures messages in the logfile. The
# host must be matched by a group named “host”. The tag
“<HOST>” can
# be used for standard IP/hostname matching.
# Values: TEXT

failregex = (?: pop3-login|imap-login): (?:Authentication
failure|Aborted login \(auth failed|Aborted login \(tried to use
disabled|Disconnected \(auth failed).*rip=(?P<host>\S*),.*

# Option: ignoreregex
# Notes.: regex to ignore. If this regex matches, the line is ignored.
# Values: TEXT
ignoreregex =


for my apache auth I added this one from someone online too

make a new file
# Fail2Ban configuration file
# Author: Cyril Jaquier
# $Revision: 728 $


# Option: failregex
# Notes.: regex to match the password failure messages in the logfile. The
# host must be matched by a group named “host”. The tag
“<HOST>” can
# be used for standard IP/hostname matching and is only an
alias for
# (?:::f{4,6}:)?(?P<host>[\w\-.^_]+)
# Values: TEXT
failregex = [[]client <HOST>[]] user .* authentication failure
[[]client <HOST>[]] user .* not found
[[]client <HOST>[]] user .* password mismatch

# Option: ignoreregex
# Notes.: regex to ignore. If this regex matches, the line is ignored.
# Values: TEXT
ignoreregex =

for postfix I had to add somethings to block spam. I had made some
errors to default to 550 to lower spam attempts too.

failregex = reject: RCPT from (.*)\[<HOST>\]: 554
reject: RCPT from (.*)\[<HOST>\]: 550
reject: RCPT from (.*)\[<HOST>\]: 504

(still need to add a 501 in there too for invalid names)

for the sasl/postfix to work properly some changes were made, this is my
file. The one that came with the repo will not work.
At least it did not work for me.


this is my file

# Fail2Ban configuration file
# Author: Yaroslav Halchenko
# $Revision: 728 $


# Option: failregex
# Notes.: regex to match the password failures messages in the logfile. The
# host must be matched by a group named “host”. The tag
“<HOST>” can
# be used for standard IP/hostname matching and is only an
alias for
# (?:::f{4,6}:)?(?P<host>[\w\-.^_]+)
# Values: TEXT
failregex = (?i): warning: [-._\w]+\[<HOST>\]: SASL
(?:LOGIN|PLAIN|(?:CRAM|DIGEST)-MD5) authentication failed(:
(?i): warning: [-._\w]+\[<HOST>\]: SASL
(?:LOGIN|PLAIN|(?:CRAM|DIGEST)-MD5) authentication failed: Invalid
authentication mechanism
(?i): warning: [-._\w]+\[<HOST>\]: SASL
(?:LOGIN|PLAIN|(?:CRAM|DIGEST)-MD5) authentication failed.*
# Option: ignoreregex
# Notes.: regex to ignore. If this regex matches, the line is ignored.
# Values: TEXT
ignoreregex =


here is my iptables with some things taken out for security…lol

[root@ ~]# iptables -L -n

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination
fail2ban-VSFTPD tcp — tcp
fail2ban-DOVECOT tcp —
multiport dports 25,465,993,995
fail2ban-POSTFIX tcp —
multiport dports 25,465,993,995
fail2ban-ApacheAuthSsl tcp — tcp dpt:443
fail2ban-ApacheAuth tcp —
tcp dpt:80
fail2ban-SSH tcp — tcp
fail2ban-POSTFIX-SASL tcp —
multiport dports 25,465,993,995
ACCEPT all — state
ACCEPT icmp —
ACCEPT all —
ACCEPT tcp — state NEW
tcp dpt:25
ACCEPT tcp — state NEW
tcp dpt:80
ACCEPT tcp — state NEW
tcp dpt:443
ACCEPT tcp — state NEW
tcp dpt:465
ACCEPT tcp — state NEW
tcp dpt:993
ACCEPT tcp — state NEW
tcp dpt:995
ACCEPT tcp — state NEW
tcp dpt:xx
ACCEPT tcp — state
ACCEPT tcp — state
ACCEPT tcp — tcp dpts:xx:xx
REJECT all — reject-with

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination
REJECT all — reject-with

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination

Chain fail2ban-ApacheAuth (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
RETURN all —

Chain fail2ban-ApacheAuthSsl (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
RETURN all —

Chain fail2ban-DOVECOT (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
RETURN all —

Chain fail2ban-POSTFIX (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
RETURN all —

Chain fail2ban-POSTFIX-SASL (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
RETURN all —

Chain fail2ban-SSH (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
RETURN all —

Chain fail2ban-VSFTPD (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
RETURN all —



Evitar quebras de linha em palavras

Ctrl + shift + hífen Cria um hífen não separável que evita que o Word quebre uma palavra hifenizada (por exemplo, público-alvo) em duas linhas.
Ctrl + shift + espaço Cria um espaço não separado para evitar que o Word quebre duas palavras em duas linhas. Por exemplo, para evitar que em “50 cm” fique 50 numa linha e cm noutra.

Instalar drivers da placa rede Intel X520-T2 no CentOs

O driver para a placa Intel X520-T2 é o ixgbe. Para instalar este driver é necessário ter um CentOs com a kernel 2.6


Driver aqui:


Instruções de instalação:


Listar todos os dispositivos PCI:

# lspci
0d:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Unknown device 151c (rev 01)
0d:00.1 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Unknown device 151c (rev 01)


Neste exemplo a placa foi reconhecida como Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Unknown device 151c (rev 01). Isto acontece porque a placa não está na base de dados de pci-id.

/usr/share/hwdata/pci.ids ficheiro com a lista de todos os ID’s conhecidos utilizadas nos dispositivos PCI: ID’s dos fornecedores, dispositivo, subsistemas e classes de dispositivos. Para atualizar esta base de dados basta executar na shell:

# update-pciids

Listar novamente todos os dispositivos PCI:

# lspci
0d:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82599EB 10 Gigabit TN Network Connection (rev 01)
0d:00.1 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82599EB 10 Gigabit TN Network Connection (rev 01)

Configurar DELL OpenManage (OMSA) para enviar alertas por email

First, we must create a simple shell script to send the email.


echo "There has been an OpenManage ALERT detected on $HOST. Please login to the web interface to see details." | mail $EMAIL -s "OM ALERT $HOST"


We can set individual alerts:

# chmod +x /usr/local/bin/
# omconfig system alertaction
# omconfig system alertaction -?
# omconfig system alertaction event=powersupply execappath=/usr/local/bin/
# omconfig system alertaction event=storagesyswarn alert=true broadcast=true execappath=/usr/local/bin/
# omreport system alertaction


Or we can set console, broadcast and email for all alerts.

# for I in `omconfig system alertaction | sed 's/ *(.*)//; s/>.*//; s/.*[: echo $I;
omconfig system alertaction event=$I alert=true broadcast=true execappath="/usr/local/bin/"



Mais info: